Songe Riddle

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Songe Riddle is an illustrator and animator of things. Once in 1998 he met Dennis Muren at a lecture on the special effects created for the then imminent release of The Phantom Menace (sorry, Pete) and told him with a wistfully romantic cadence that he taught Songe how to dream. Mr. Muren replied awkwardly that he “hopes they were good dreams”. Indeed they were!

No single event influenced Songe’s desire to create than his introduction to Star Wars in 1979. It is his first memory and will probably occupy his final thoughts.

At some point in the mid-nineties, Songe resolved to weed Star Wars out of his thoughts, by first trying to go a day without a quote or reference to it. As of writing this, it has not happened. We have to take things one day at a time.

He’s sorry he couldn’t do better, but he’s got problems of his own.

Rank the Star Wars Movies

5, 6, 4, 1, 7, 3, 2

Phantom Menace Number

13 (including one in 3D)

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