Secret Rebel Agents

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The Empire employs plenty of negligent, bordering on incompetent officers. Many are so bad at their jobs that Alex and Pete are often forced to wonder if they are actually working for the Rebels the whole time. Below is a comprehensive list of Imperials who are suspected of being secret Rebel moles. The default sort order is by position on the organizational chart.

List of Imperials Secretly Working for the Rebellion

Name Minute Notes

Unidentified 501st Stormtrooper

Star Wars 7 Oh, you just happened to set your gun on stun...
Every Stormtrooper on The Death Star SWM 87 They are bad at everything and appear not to want to kill anyone.
Captain Mod Terrik Star Wars 52 From now on, check all doors, even locked ones.
Gunnery Captain Bolvan Star Wars 8 If he hadn't held his fire, the droids would never have made it to Tatooine and none of this would have happened.
Captain Khurgee Star Wars 65 He made a pretty pathetic search of the Millenium Falcon on The Death Star and then in his subsequent report to Vader be tried to convince him that the crew and droids had jettisoned.
Admiral Ozzel (Which episode?) He came out of lightspeed a little too close to the system.
Lord Darth Vader Star Wars 64 He was surprisingly lenient (from a certain point of view) in his treatment of Princess Leia.
Emperor Sheev Palpatine (Which episode?)

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