Last Jedi Minute 83: My Stick

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Stick vs. bacon.jpg


May 26th, 2021


Guest commentator Tony Thaxton sits down with Yoda & Luke for an informative fireside chat about failure!


Tony Thaxton



  • Starts with the Magic Tree bursting into flames, which cracks Yoda up. Ends with Yoda saying that library doesn't contain anything that the girl Rey doesn't already possess.
  • Controversial line: " them, have you? Page turners, they are not."


  • Our feelings about giddy Yoda. What specifically is he laughing at? Something funny he thought of earlier.
    • Callback to yesterday's Weird Al-esque Star Wars song titles.
    • Yoda is done with all that "physical world" stuff. But he's also telling a bit of a joke/pun.
  • Question: Why is Luke so upset that Yoda destroyed the tree when he was about to do it himself anyway? Answer: because he wasn't ever going to destroy it himself. He's probably gone to do it hundreds of times and never gone through with it. It parallels not valuing something in your life until it's gone.
  • Luke as the whiny nerd.
  • Mentioned: Bad Lip Reading MY STICK.
    • Pete's daughter was able to cement a friendship thanks to the "MY STICK" song.
      • When the parents of kids are friends and they encourage their children to also become friends. Or inversely, having to make awkward small talk with some kid's parent just because your kid is friends with their kid.
  • The Jedi tree is reminiscent in shape of the Rebel Alliance symbol (note: see below). The in-universe history of that symbol and its adoption by the Rebels.


  • Unlike most rock stars, Tony doesn't have any tattoos. But if he had to get a Star Wars tattoo, it would be Alex's Snaggletooth twins design which he is currently wearing as a t-shirt.
    • It's his most asked-about shirt. And it takes perhaps the most time to explain. Those are the best ones.
  • It's embarrassing to say that you work on a podcast because everyone has one of those at this point in Pandemic history. But Alex Pete and Tony actually make their money this way so it's not like they're just amateur DJs.
  • Mentioned bigger Luke theory.
  • Shout out to Forbidden Jeff. Pete and Jeff thought it would be good to get tattoos of the "oii"/"oil" that's on the back of Stormtrooper uniforms (editor's note: this was brought up before, coincidentally on another Tony Thaxton episode).
  • Alex would get C-3PO's midriff tattooed around his waist.
  • Tattooing your clothes on. Referenced: "no shirt no shoes no service.

Other notes

  • Yoda Force teleportation (but for only like four feet) and sound effect. Referenced: Force swimming, the JFK assassination conspiracy theory about a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
    • Is Yoda's Force "ghosty" enough?
  • Original Trilogy people saying the names of Sequel Trilogy or Prequel Trilogy characters.
  • Tony found his Last Jedi predictions that he was looking for on Monday.
  • Plug for

Meta Minute


  • Pete: (speaking to Tony) was in my notes that you're dumb.
  • Pete: I thought [Yoda] was talking about Rose's half-sister, Paige Turner. Tony: …Star Wars Minute.
  • Pete: (reflecting the cultural stigma) You could be doing something important, instead you're wasting your time talking about Star Wars.
  • Pete: That's a strong number two. Alex *sniggering* strong number two.


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