Last Jedi Minute 64: Win Later

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April 29th, 2021


Guest commentator Jordan White raps with us about Rose & Finn’s collaboration with DJ DelToro!


Jordan White



  • Starts with Poe asking Finn and Rose "Hey where are you guys?' Ends with DJ saying "codebreaker?".


  • Referenced: "Law & Order". There are two branches of the Canto Bight police, the uniformed branch and the CBMP (Canto Bight Mounted Police).
  • Exposition that we the audience don't need but that DJ does need.
  • Jordan worked on a one-shot about DJ and how he ended up in this cell. Call out to the Bens (Acker and Blacker).
  • The character of DJ versus Benicio del Toro's performance.
  • This movie flips the sort of hero narrative on its head: Poe and Finn and Rose defy orders and risk everything and lose most of it rather than saving the day at the end.
    • They play with this a little bit in the C"lone Wars" animated series, where Anakin is rebellious and doesn't follow orders and is the hero and then immediately after the series is over he murders a bunch of children for the same reasons he did what he did when he was a Jedi.
  • There is unfortunately a heightened level of media awareness in current pop culture that descends into cynicism.
  • This story sort of has to end on a low note so that they can end higher in the next movie. It's similar to the complaints people had when The Empire Strikes Back came out, where it was a bummer of an ending, but it needed to be so they could win later at the end of Jedi.
  • The jail is old-school bars rather than a force field that have become so common lately.
  • Does Finn have any kind of ID on him? Presumably the cops would check this first thing.
  • The droid impound lot. Mentioned: CZ-3.
  • Pete has some complaints for tomorrow. Awkward segue to a plug for 8-DAY-GREEDO.

Meta Minute

  • 25:14 podcast episode length.
  • There are two Canto cops sitting and gambling when a third joins them. The third (on the left) is played by English actor Andy Nyman. Another Canto cop was play by Luke Neal.
  • Kathleen Kennedy doesn't have any brothers, but she does have two sisters (on of whom is her twin). Neither of her sisters have appeared in Star Wars.



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