Phantom Menace Minute 25: Left Behind

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December 25th, 2015 - Merry Christmas!


Obi-Wan attacks the guards around the pilots. Qui-Gon stands, fighting off droids as the others rush on board the spacecraft.


Ralph Attanasia



  • Starts with Qui-Gon telling "the Queen" that it's time to leave, ends with Qui-Gon slicing up droids as they rescue the pilots.
  • Obi-Wan's opening move: the double-kick.


  • Sio Bibble gets left behind.
    • He totally thought he was going with them.
    • Spin-off movie: Sio Bibble Left Behind.
      • What he gets up to after everybody else leaves.
  • The rescue plan.
    • At first Qui-Gon tries honesty. Guess it couldn't hurt.
    • They could have taken the droids out in other more effective ways.
  • Difference from the illustrated screenplay.
  • The Federation isn't expecting any resistance whatsoever.
  • Referenced: Katamari.
  • Mentioned: Ric Olié.
    • He would be much better if he were combined with Panaka.
 Ralph's movie memories.
  He was 14. He saw it 2 or 3 times in theaters.
  He missed auditions for South Pacific because he went to see the movie.
  If he could make one change, it would be to make Jar Jar into a James Dean "Rebel Without a Cause" type.

Meta Minute

  • 29:09 podcast episode length.
  • Queen Amidala has five handmaidens.
  • The flubbing battle droid actually doesn't have a name[1]. We're fine with calling him OOP5.


  • Pete: Ground quotes.
  • Pete Good luck, Governor. Alex: (as Sio Bibble) Why thank you, I—Whaaaa??
  • Ralph: (as the Queen) We were gonna take, like, the girls, and you're like kind of old and gross. So you stay here with your weird mustache...I left, like, all kinds of communication gear in [my room]; you totally would love it.
  • Pete: (as Sio Bibble pretending to be a handmaiden) <falsetto voice> Ready to go, girls?
  • Alex: <falsetto> Oh, Sio! You're so brave!
  • Ralph: (as Sio Bibble) I'm the queen now; I can do whatever I want. If I want to eat ice cream out of the bucket I will! I can speak in whatever silly voice I like. <silly voice> Doodily doo! Sio Bibble!
  • Alex: Very bold rescue plan: why don't we walk up to the battle droids and fight them?
  • Ralph (as Alec Guinness' Ben Kenobi) If it weren't for my sacroiliac I would totally be kicking both of you in the face at the same time.


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