Phantom Menace Minute 83: Loverboy

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March 16th, 2016


Anakin and Jar Jar join the Queen, Palpatine, Padmé, Rabé and Eirtaé in the taxi.


Chris Radtke



  • Starts With Anakin looking back (something his mother told him not to do.
  • Ends With Sheev saying that The Republic is not what it once was.
  • Rayno Vaca the Tarnab cab driver.
  • New Padmé outfit: Coruscant apartment robe.


  • Pete paraphrases Palpatine's line all the time.
  • What does it smell like? Anakin: Bantha poodoo, dust and sand, Watto (and he only changes his clothes at the very end of the movie).
  • Why Does Anakin go with the politicians, instead of with the Jedi who brought him there?
    • Qui-Guy used the mind trick on Sorbet to get her to take Jar Jar And Anakin with them (to get rid of them).
  • Why is Jar Jar even still hanging around?
  • Mentioned: Brazil (1985).
  • Chris blames producer Rick McCallum on how the Prequels turned out because he was a yes-man and didn't stand up to George.
  • Jar Jar's "Pitty hot" line and what it's referring to.
  • We'd like to see a "500 Republica" soap opera or political drama.
    • Mentioned: Anlee Teem.
    • Referenced: Rosie the maidbot from "The Jetsons".

Meta Minute

  • 26:21 podcast episode length.
  • 8-DAY-GREEDO call from a B'omarr monk on California. The Order of the B'omarr does not recognize the divinity of ANY Hutt, and does not observe Boonta Eve.


  • Pete and Alex: Up top! *spontaneous high five*
  • Chris: We don't have any garbage monster senators. Alex: Oh, don't we? Chris: Oh! Politics!


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