Tom Taylor

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Tom Taylor was 10 years old in 1981, and through some miracle remains that age to this day. He is a writer, editor, and part-time podcaster. Is there another kind? Tom grew up in a suburban Connecticut town suspiciously similar to those depicted in his writing. He was raised on a healthy diet based on the Three S's: Star Wars, Star Trek, and Stephen King.
He started writing when he was in grade school. Most of his work from that early period were rehashes of "Twilight Zone" episodes and Stephen King stories. Just awful. He's gotten much better. He studied writing and film at Emerson College in Boston, and received his MFA in Creative Writing from Columbia College Chicago. He lives in Chicagoland with his wife and son. The first, second, or third pair of breasts he ever saw in a movie were Lacey's in Caddyshack. He wrote a book you might enjoy called In Memory of Todd Woods, available on Amazon, Audible or from Lulu Press.

He is co-host of Caddyshack Minute and the Indiana Jones Minute (where he is known for his hatred of stamp gags and all things fun). Together with John, Joe, and Pete, he also co-hosted ABCDevo and later the ABCD:TOS podcasts.
He is a frequent caller on the 8-DAY-GREEDO hotline.

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Total Airtime
5 hours, 19 minutes, 6 seconds
Average Episode Length
39 minutes, 53 seconds
Longest Episode
Introducing ABCD:TOS - Amok Time (103 minutes, 50 seconds)

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