Tony Consiglio
Tony Consiglio is an internationally published cartoonist.
He has had two graphic novels, More or Less and 110 Percent, published by Top Shelf Comics. He was the very first guest on the podcast, and the last guest of the Lucas-era (Ring Theory!).
He once sold Samuel L. Jackson a tennis racquet.
Rank the Star Wars Movies
5, 4, 3, 6, 2, 1 (TPM 17)
Update (SWMWE 90): 4, 5, R1, 7, 6, [123]
Phantom Menace Number
Only 1, but he did buy it on DVD
Web Links
Counting his appearances on both the main show and the weekend shows, Tony has been on more episodes of the STAR WARS MINUTE than any other guest.
- Star Wars Minute 6: The Spice Mines of Kessel
- Star Wars Minute 7: There's One, Set For Stun
- Star Wars Minute 8: Lifeboat Sniper
- Star Wars Minute 9: Daine Jir
- Star Wars Minute 10: Dirty Threepio
- Star Wars Minute 46: You'll Be Dead!
- Star Wars Minute 47: Humidifier
- Star Wars Minute 48: The Millennium Falcon Story
- Star Wars Minute 49: Under the Table
- Star Wars Minute 50: Poor Greedo
- Empire Minute 56: Rumspringa
- Empire Minute 57: The Physical Yoda
- Deep Blue Sea Minute 57: You Should See Ice
- Empire Minute 58: Flying Suction Cups
- Empire Minute 59: Prisoner of the Mynocks
- Empire Minute 60: Dot Org
- Jedi Minute 41: Yoda's Butler
- Jedi Minute 42: The Receipt
- Jedi Minute 43: Especially Wonky
- Jedi Minute 44: Smoosh The Puppet Up
- Jedi Minute 45: Swim Everywhere
- Phantom Menace Minute 16: Legs
- Phantom Menace Minute 17: The Chris Farley Part
- Phantom Menace Minute 18: Othello
- Phantom Menace Minute 19: Abe Vigoda
- Phantom Menace Minute 20: Maxibig
- Attack of the Clones Minute 6: A Flea on a Hot Brick
- Attack of the Clones Minute 7: Madame
- Attack of the Clones Minute 8: Inner Darkness
- Attack of the Clones Minute 9: Diplodiaclect
- Attack of the Clones Minute 10: Implied in our Mandate
- Revenge of the Sith Minute 131: Your Harness
- Revenge of the Sith Minute 132: Ophelia
- Revenge of the Sith Minute 133: Return of the Fart Horse
- Revenge of the Sith Minute 134: Raising Tatooine
- Revenge of the Sith Minute 135: Husky Pants
- The Force Awakens Minute 131: Ebbs and Wanes
- The Force Awakens Minute 132: Conform Artist
- The Force Awakens Minute 133: Jabba's Return
- The Force Awakens Minute 134: Back to the Cartoon Factory
- The Force Awakens Minute 135: Xerxes
- Rogue One Minute 46: Deatha Star
- Rogue One Minute 47: Judge Bor Gullet
- Rogue One Minute 48: A Pint of Ice Cream
- Rogue One Minute 49: Barney Miller
- Rogue One Minute 50: The Ants
- Last Jedi Minute 66: Goathounds
- Last Jedi Minute 67: Half-Cape
- Last Jedi Minute 68: Stampede!
- Last Jedi Minute 69: A Fathom of Fathiers
- Last Jedi Minute 70: Time for Flatcakes
- SOLO Minute 30: To Catch a Snake (with Tony Consiglio)
- Solo Minute 71: Cotton Candy Season (with Tony Consiglio)
- Solo Minute 72: Fish Puns (with Tony Consiglio)
- Solo Minute 73: Guys (with Tony Consiglio)
- Solo Minute 74: Body Chaps (with Tony Consiglio)
- Solo Minute 75: Teräs Käsi (with Tony Consiglio)
- Rise of Skywalker Minute 11: Homemade Aerialists w/ Tony Consiglio
- Rise of Skywalker Minute 12: Force Wedgie w/ Tony Consiglio
- Rise of Skywalker Minute 13: Meryl Streep w/ Tony Consiglio
- Rise of Skywalker Minute 14: Turf Cozy w/ Tony Consiglio
- Rise of Skywalker Minute 15: Palpatine and Son w/ Tony Consiglio
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 15
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 28
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 40
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 64
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 90
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 112
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 121
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 128
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 147
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 164
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 173
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 181 (on original SWM call)
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 197
- SWM: WEEKEND EDITION #202 with Tony Consiglio
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 207
- TFA Week in Review #27
- Rogue One Week in Review #10
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 214
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 253
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 256
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 269
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 355
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 442
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 445
- Star Wars Minute: Weekend Edition 469
Total Airtime
25 hours, 29 minutes, 51 seconds
Average Episode Length
24 minutes, 41 seconds
24 minutes, 41 seconds
Longest Episode
The Force Awakens Minute 131: Ebbs and Wanes (40 minutes, 0 seconds)