Inside References and Running Jokes

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Star Wars quotes

These are quotes said by by characters in the movies that stood out to the hosts and have become incorporated into the SWM universe.

Long time

Old Ben hasn't heard the name of Obi-Wan in a long time. A long time.

You'll Be Dead!

Dr. Evazan[1] accosts Luke in the Mos Eisley Cantina on Tatooine.

"You'd best watch yourself. I have the death sentence on twelve systems."

"I'll be careful."

"You'll be dead!"

This is one of Tony Consiglio's favorite quotes (see Minute 46). If anyone starts a sentence with "You'll be (doing something)," you answer with "You'll be dead!"


When Han Solo tells Obi-Wan where they would be meeting (docking bay 94), Kenobi repeats it in a particular way that stuck out to Pete. Now whenever he is given a direction, such as "Take exit 12" he will repeat it a la Ben Kenobi, and then say 94, thereby forgetting the direction immediately. So if someone says "94" you say 94 back.

From time to time

This is one of those "secret Star Wars quotes" which Pete is able to use without people necessarily knowing he's quoting Star Wars. As a follow up to his previous statement about the slim chances that Han and Luke would survive the frigid Hoth night, C-3PO meekly adds that R2 (who may or may not be the one who placed the odds of their survival at 725:1) has been known to make mistakes. From time to time.

Deck Officer

Another "quote" that stuck in Pete's mind was from The Empire Strikes Back. When Han Solo is berating the Deck Lieutenant Tamizander Rey, he shouts "Deck Officer?! Deck Officer!"

  • Deck Officer
  • Deck Officer


Several times during the podrace, fans of the dug racer Sebulba shout his name as he passes. So now this is something Pete says all the time. It has even been made into a shirt[2].

Other References

Closing the show

Since early in the original Star Wars Minute, Pete and Alex have attempted to say the show closing "Star Wars Minute" in unison, but have almost never succeeded in doing so. This has become a running gag that was addressed by Asterios Kokkinos during the live episode Empire Minute 111: The Green Cross Code Man.

Sorry, Pete

Pete is known for his hatred of the Prequels, to the point where Alex felt the need to apologize whenever they were brought up.
Now that they have decided to do the Prequels after all, guest Joe Dator started to apologize to Pete for bringing up the Original Trilogy.

What does it smell like?

A question Alex is always asking about things in the Star Wars universe. It has become a running theme in SWM.

  • The Death Star smells like fear
  • Cloud City smells either like a casino or like farts (from all the beldon gas)
  • George Lucas smells like chicken sandwiches

Don't talk about the toys

A big part of Alex and Pete's memories of Star Wars come from their enjoyment of Star Wars toys. Some viewers have expressed frustration with what they consider to be too much "toy talk." This has not stopped the hosts and guests from discussing their toy memories, but it has caused them to bring up how people hate it when they talk about the toys each time they do.

Is Kenny Baker in there?

In the Original Trilogy, the R2-D2 robot is operated from inside by little person actor Kenny Baker[3], but not all the time. In particular, when you see the three-legged R2-D2 (rather than the two-legged variety) he is normally operated by remote control. This led Joe Dator to pose the eternal question, "is Kenny Baker in there?" He asked this question about the R2-D2 robot, the C-3PO suit (which would be strange), and even about Kenny Baker himself to see if he would come out of his shell.

The Naboo Movie

Before they agreed to do The Phantom Menace Minute, every time Pete and Alex would mention the name of the movie, something would go wrong technically with recording the podcast, and so they took to calling it "The Naboo Movie" the way professional thespians refer to the Shakespeare play Macbeth as "The Scottish Play".

Wrong show

The guys also host a podcast called Alphabeatical where they discuss the Beatles catalog alphabetically. Occasionally, one of the hosts will drop a reference to the Beatles, which is from the wrong show.

Staring at the french horn

Staring... at the french horn. This came from episode 17 of SWM:WE.