Jedi Minute 66: A Very Sassy Time

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April 6th, 2015


As they move into the foliage, Wicket takes the lead.


Asterios Kokkinos



  • Starts with Leia blasting some speeder bikers, and ends with the Emperor chastising Vader for not waiting in the car.
  • The denouement of the speeder bike chase.
  • More Ewok dialog: "hatcha!" (spicy!) and another "yub yub".


  • Asterios is more discerning in his consumption of media these days.
  • For a lot of current nerds, ROTJ is the first Star Wars movie they saw, so they are most attached to it.
  • Kids today being into the Prequels. Pro Jar Jar backlash.
  • Referenced: This is Madness.
  • Princess Leia is considered one of the strongest female characters in sci-fi, but does she actually do that much in the movies?
    • Referenced: "Don't Go Breaking my Heart".
    • She did kill Jabba the Hutt.
    • None of the other characters in this movie do a whole lot either.
    • Consider Leia in the context of her time; there were so few women in science fiction at that time. It was revolutionary that she was a princess yet she was sassy. Now, everything is sassy. It's a very sassy time we live in.
  • Ewok fact of the day: Ewok jerky (jerky made out of Ewoks).

Meta Minute

  • 29:54 podcast episode length.
  • Beginning in 2016, listener Michael W. posted his own yearly SWM Bracket[t] to the SWMLS, available here.
  • General Rieekan's first name is 'Carlist', which was brought up on the SWM Wives episode. I guess you could shorten it to 'Carl' if you wanted to.


  • Alex: (as the Emperor) Execute minute 66.
  • Asterios:...I mean 'bad' in the Michael Jackson sense, in that it's great! Pete: That Wicket is one bad mother— Asterios: <talking over Pete> —to hate. I hate them. Alex: [...] I'm getting whiplash... Asterios: [...] hate how much I love them! Alex: And you love how much you hate them.
  • Asterios: (as Admiral Ackbar) ♪Don't go breaking my heart!♪ (as Mon Mothma) ♪Many Bothans di-hiiied♪.
  • Alex: (as Luke) <whining> Come onnn! Turn good!


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