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<!-- Notable trivia and details related to the film minute or podcast minute that wasn't mentioned within the podcast episode, but illuminates or elaborates on discussed topics. Limited to direct facts rather than opinion. -->
*14:44 podcast episode length.
*14:44 podcast episode length.
*Mike plugs his new book - <b>Angie Bongiolatti</b> (2014) published by Secret Acres.
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<!-- Interesting, amusing or notable things said on the podcast episode -->

Revision as of 18:20, 18 December 2016

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April 8th, 2014


With Yoda strapped to his back, Luke climbs up one of the many thick vines that grow in the swamp. Panting heavily, he continues his course — climbing, flipping through the air, jumping over roots, and racing in and out of the heavy ground fog.


Mike Dawson



  • Starts with Luke jogging with Yoda in his backpack; ends with Luke putting the backpack and Yoda down after some questions and light jogging.
  • The term "apprentice" is used for the first time in the movies. Ben uses the term "pupil" in Star Wars.


  • There is more clever filming of Yoda behind trees, in the shadows etc to hide any flaws. Except for the shot of Luke talking to a lifeless puppet at the end of the scene.
  • They could have filmed this with a one-shot of Yoda and Luke's arm around him.
  • In the close-ups of Luke and Yoda talking where are the puppeteers standing? Obviously very close to Mark Hamill's butt.
  • There are at least three puppeteers that operate Yoda at the same time.
  • Yoda tells Luke to be passive and also gives Luke a shoulder massage to help him free his mind of questions. This is a bit creepy.
  • Yoda says "a Jedi uses The Force for knowledge and defense; never attack". But when Luke asks a question to gain knowledge Yoda refuses to answer.
  • This is the same as in Harry Potter - the teachers never answer questions directly or give the students any information. They are always obtuse. Although Luke would be a very annoying student.
  • Yoda says "No more will I teach you today?". What do they do then - small-talk for the rest of the day? If so, they waste a whole afternoon. Yoda tells Luke off for leaving Dagobah early and yet they wasted a lot of time.
  • There is more dancing around Vader's true identity by Yoda.
    • There should have been a scene of Luke and Yoda actually dancing and Yoda saying "And one and two, and one and two. No, no - it's one THEN two".
    • Yoda says that Vader is Obi-Wan's apprentice.
    • He never wants to say that Vader is Luke's father.
    • The entire scene is shot on the basis that the audience doesn't know that Vader is Luke's father - which was true before the prequels.
    • There is no drama when Yoda talks about Vader but, given the prequels, it definitely should have been acknowledged by the Director.
  • Why don't Yoda and Ben want Luke to know that Vader is his father?
    • It makes him more susceptible to the Dark Side.
    • (After all, all young men want to be just like their fathers, don't they?)
    • This links to Luke's answer in an earlier minute when Yoda asks him why he wants to become a Jedi. Luke is very non-commital and simply says "Because of my father".
  • Yoda starts providing Luke and the audience with a working knowledge of the Dark Side.
    • He says that it's not stronger than the Light Side - which is strange given that one guy using the Dark Side took command of the galaxy and killed all of the Jedis.
    • If Yoda is a salesman then he's not doing a very good job of selling the Light Side.
      • Yoda says that the Dark Side is "quicker and easier" when Luke is right in the middle of a strenuous workout. Why didn't he just say:
        • "Sith don't have to jump around at all."
        • "You can go Sith on the couch."
        • "A Sith lord can just sit there and let his apprentice fight."
  • Yoda's line about never using The Force for attack is in contrast to Obi-Wan telling Luke in Star Wars to attack / blow-up The Death Star.
    • Yoda would have told Luke to just fly around and gain knowledge about The Death Star.
  • Yoda's line "there is no why" is barely quoted compared to "there is no try".
  • Where does Luke live when he's not training:
    • Yoda's house.
    • The camp.
    • In his X-wing.
    • When Luke lies down in Yoda's hut his feet stick out the front door.
    • Yoda probably just makes him sleep in the woods / swamp.
    • Or maybe he doesn't sleep during the training.
  • Yoda massaging Luke reminds the hosts of Buster Bluth who is not good at massages.
    • Referenced: Arrested Development.
    • A force massage sounds like a Han Solo move with the ladies.
  • Yoda should have told Luke some cool stuff about The Force and the Light Side.
    • Surely he wanted to talk to someone after 20 years in exile.
    • He could have told Luke about the senate, passing bills, taxation and trade routes, shaking hands with Chancellor Valorum etc.
  • The actor that plays Chancellor Valorum was also in Superman. More information to follow in later podcast episodes.

Meta Minute

  • 14:44 podcast episode length.
  • Mike plugs his new book - Angie Bongiolatti (2014) published by Secret Acres.


  • Pete: We put the sit in Sith!
  • Alex: There is no why; there is no try; there is no pie.



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