Last Jedi Minute 71: Spiral Staircases

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May 10th, 2021


Guest commentator Steele Saunders arrives just in time to watch BB-8 & DJ help Rose & Finn evade the Canto Bight police!


Steele Saunders


 Starts with the catch a bite Mounted Police spotting Finn and Rose and announcing that they are and ends with water Rippling across the Jedi mosaic on Act 2. Pete quotes you know what's not disappointing? Green chef. We like the spiral staircase that comes down from the spaceship. Spiral staircases have always been captivating to steal. At least the aesthetic. In real life anything circular is not as fun as it looks. See also Carnival rides. One thing we do appreciate it's a good loading ramp on a spaceship in Star Wars it's fun to see the Hydraulics and pistons working. At least when it's mechanical rather than magical Star Wars is best one it is grounded in the possible. See also the scene from Mandalorian where we see the inside of slave one and how it and the seats rotate. The incredible cross section of the Millennium Falcon and the unused storage room right next to the Giant engine. Realistic depictions of Jerry Seinfeld's apartment and the physical impossibility of the layout. Seinfeld won't  let his face be merchandized. Jim Davis and Garfield merch. The urban legend of of the stick-on Garfield saving someones life. 

CBMP outfits / uniforms are very annoying. steele ultra-fund the Canto Bight police. DJ does not blast the cops out of the sky period how this movie different if he had question mark It seems like it's misleading you into thinking that he's really a good guy. DJ is a good fight-sized Star Wars character in that he has limited screen time and only one movie but he works while he's a part of it. That is unless he comes back with spider legs later. DJ versus Benicio del Toro versus as DJ. Or is that he surrounded by wackiness a la Star Wars rebels. As we're going through this movie minute by minutes we find that even the parts that don't really work don't linger as much as we thought they did in the theater. Steel as George Lucas leaning back in his chair that's how you CGI bad boy. At first can divide feels like a Droid Factory but it's not as repetitive and actually adds to the story. They get nowhere but that's actually the whole point. The article on speech that is in Praise for DJ having a stutter for breaking stereotypes. Mentioned: the Endor apocalypse scenario. Steel taking umbrage let the fathier's roam! When steel saw the father is in the trailer they seem to him to fit right in with due backs and ronto's as a part of star wars. We forgot what happened to bb8 since he was last with dj. It's foreshadowing of when bb-8 shows up to save them later. Still has a shelf of stuff that he loves that he's collected he also has another shelf that is his Hall of Shame which is his least favorite Star Wars things so he can take ownership of them. For The Listener at home one of them is a bb8 in Scout Walker hot wheels. He also has spider legs maul in teddy bear form. If Pete did the same thing his kids were totally play with it but maybe that's the trick to turning his feelings around on it steel had a similar experience with Dio from the right of skywalker. The ship design is reminiscent of The Buck Rogers TV show. Or if you got a box of sugar cones the container inside that held them looked a little bit like the fighters from Buck Rogers, at least to 5-year-old pete. kind of. Ahch-To: why does Luke choose to reconnect to the force now? Mentioned: MySpace. The last conversation they had was Luke explaining his side of the story with the destruction of the temple, and Rey stating that he didn't fail Kylo, Kylo failed him. Maybe that really stuck with him. Referenced: the chronological order re-cut of Memento. Doing the same thing with this movie and just follow one storyline at a time. They do a bit of that in the Star Wars Radio Drama. Mentioned: Lost, Arrested Development season 4. Pete is calling for the ability to Make (shareable) Spotify playlists but for streaming services Steele quotes I'm paying $11.95, let me ruin art. We also would like the ability to shuffle and we miss the chapter titles like on the DVD. Mentioned: Qui-Gon's noble end. Final thoughts on the Canto Bight subplot. If you're the kind of person that this bit of the movie ruins

Star Wars for you, you've got to learn to move on. meta notes Pete does the editing for the podcast.

Steele will ruin small bodies of water for us tomorrow. Plug for the 8-DAY-GREEDO hotline.



  • Steele doesn't listen to the episodes of STAR WARS MINUTE that he guests on.
  • So far, none of the guests have surprised us with their hatred of this movie; people have been generally positive.
    • To quote Pete, "Civility is something we've come to expect from our stable of guests."

Meta Minute

  • 43:00 podcast episode length.


  • Steele I'm on the back of your fathier right now, buddy. Pete: That's what that was.


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