Last Jedi Minute 14: Killer Robot Dog

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This is as close as we could get it to "Finn naked leaking bag".


February 18th, 2021


FN-2187 is reunited with Poe Dameron and guest commentator Jackie Kashian feels so good!


Jackie Kashian



  • Starts with Finn waking up, and ends with Rey walking up.


  • Jackie is on Pandora!
  • Finn's medical bubble. Mentioned: "What's 'updog'?"
    • It's a {{{2}}}. Is this an advancement from the standard bacta tank? Or maybe Finn's insurance just didn't cover that.
  • Wookieepedia refers to Finn as a "First Order deserter". Does this reveal First Order sympathies from the Wookieepedians? Or maybe an anti-Finn bias.
  • There is no one to attend Finn when he wakes up (not even a droid), and when his tubes pull out the beeping doesn't change. You think he'd know better than to just wander around, but maybe he's delirious. Mentioned: Disorderlies (1987).
  • Poe does the classic Bob Newhart-Shelley Berman bit with BB-8.
    • How does BB-8 communicate? Is it in complete sentences? Given that his primary purpose is fixing ships, probably not.
    • The roles and capabilities of BB-8 and Poe have evolved, probably due to fan response.
  • It's not like nobody knows or cares who he is. As a First Order deserter he has status; he's the guy.
    • People should be stopping him to ask for his autograph.
  • Teal BB unit. Mentioned: Mirror universe tropes.
  • Different levels of droid sentience. There are evil droids in Star Wars. Mentioned: Dr. Aphra comics.
    • What kind of droid Jackie would want. Just a dog, not a droid. Referenced: K9 from "Dr. Who", horrifying dog robots from Boston Dynamics.
      • A.X.L., a movie on Netflix about a robot murder dog. Jackie spoils the ending for for us but that's ok because it's terrible and dumb.
  • Abednedos being named after Beastie Boys songs.
  • Given the technology in the Star Wars universe, it's funny that Rey spends so much time walking up the stairs.
  • What band you would want people to name things after. Jackie says she's fairly ignorant of music, so maybe a little-known science fiction series instead.
    • Maybe somebody you wanted to meet, but it couldn't be anybody too famous or they wouldn't think anything of it.
  • Remember that we're on YouTube now. Think of what you could be missing!

Meta Minute

  • 27:04 podcast episode length.
  • Ancient Egyptian writing is complex and interesting and we went down a bit of a rabbit hole researching it. It turns out that Egyptian hieroglyphics are not purely an ideographic/logographic writing system (where symbols stand for ideas as opposed to representing sounds). It actually combined logographic, syllabic, and alphabetic elements.
    • To see the phrase "Finn naked leaking bag" using hieroglyphs as logograms, see the following: File:Hieroglyphics.png.
    • A classic example of a more logosyllabic writing system (where the character graphemes stand for morphemes) is the characters used in written Chinese.
  • Back when the guys sold out, they did a series of ads for Stance socks.
  • A Funicular is a cable-driven pair of rail cars that can be used to transport people up and down a steep slope. Probably would come in handy on Temple island on Ahch'To.
  • The Abednedo that we see in this minute is {{{2}}}. He is seated next to pilot {{{2}}} (played by former guest of the show Noah Segan), who will be back later.
  • According to Leland Chee, C'ai Threnalli's name is pronounced with a hard 'c', and his name was originally going to be given to another character (so don't bother looking for a Beastie Boys reference).


  • Alex: Here's a corner call someone who cares.
  • Jackie: Ketamine and child brides for us all in A.X.L. 2.
  • Pete: Rey's Aunt Jackie who has a killer robot dog.



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