Last Jedi Minute 66: Goathounds

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May 3rd, 2021


Break-out guest commentator Tony Consiglio returns to observe BB-8 helping spring DJ from the Canto Bight brig!


Tony Consiglio



  • Starts with DJ finding the guards subdued and ends with Finn and Rose finding a fathier (the goathounds).
  • This is the historic first meeting of BB-8 and DJ.


  • Tony remembered his website!
  • Tony has been locked in his podcasting cage since since his last appearance on the show (note: see below).
  • Fathiers look the offspring of a goat and a greyhound.
    • Mentioned: the trope that goats will eat anything.
  • Callback to former guest of the show Noah Segan. Where is the lanky guy that is played by Rian Johnson's uncle? Could be the guy behind BB-8 in this minute?
  • How did BB-8 do all of this? It's ridiculous. **The guard is wearing a helmet, yet is still knocked out by a shoe.
  • A thing that Pete quotes from this minute all the time to his kids (because they think it's hilarious) is "What's your story, Roundy?"
    • When the other cop comes around the corner and says to DJ "hands up!" DJ says "yeah man" and Pete quotes that as well without realizing that he's quoting DJ.
    • Mentioned: The Usual Suspects. What if the character of DJ was just Benicio del Toro doing all the lines from his other movies.
    • Referenced: Rose Tico Tase Crazy.
  • This car isn't very conscientious, rather than tazing first and asking questions later. These cops are glorified security guards.
  • The rest of the prisoners are standing by impassive rather than clamoring to be let out.
  • Why have manholes in prison? It makes it really easy for prisoners to get out. And after the prisoners get out why don't they close the manhole so the guards don't know which way they went?
  • Finn is taking on the C-3PO role in this film right now, he's very much in the back seat.
  • Note for later: Fin and Rose have just been slogging up to their waist and sewage and will smell like it for the rest of the time they're wearing these clothes. Fathiers are named like racehorses so for every day this week Pete will give us the name of a new fathier. Alex quotes Fathier David. Referenced father Mulcahy from mash. Today's fathier name is Mynock minute. Referenced: a New York minute. Pete quotes they eat ships and die. Better notes when was the 2021 Kentucky Derby? Met a notes what the hell is an otb? Better notes manholes are round because a circle is the only shape that won't fall through its own hole. The urban legend of NASA and the space pen versus the Soviet pencil. Alex quotes farther with the fathiers.

Meta Minute

  • 26:40 podcast episode length.
  • Alex STILL cannot pronounce "fathier" anything close to correctly.
  • TOCO last appeared on the main show on January 24th, 2020. This was less than a week before the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (it would go on to declare it a pandemic in March of that year). But yeah, other than that, he hasn't really missed much.
  • Goat racing is indeed a thing, and the island of Tobago in the Caribbean is known as the goat racing capital of the world.
    • Although goats are naturally curious and will sample nearly anything in their environments (and they do this by nibbling on the items in question), they are surprisingly picky eaters. The stereotype that they eat and digest tin cans likely comes from the fact that they are trying to eat the paper and glue from can labels[1].
  • Manhole covers (increasingly called "maintenance hole covers) are round for a whole host of reasons.
    1. The first and most obvious reason is that manholes are round so of course their covers are round too.
    2. Many tools that humans use to make big heavy things work best when making round things.
    3. They can be rolled into place, and since they're round pretty much any direction you could set one in is the correct one.
    4. As Pete said, a circle will not fall through its own hole, whereas a square, for example, can.


  • Pete:...a regular goat-eaten can of worms.
  • Alex : *sighing* Ugh. I know I'm Rian Johnson's uncle, I'm in here [prison] for life. Pete: (also as Rian Johnson's uncle) My nephew made this movie! He's a director—Hollywood.
  • Tony: I'm jumping the goathound.
  • Pete: Poe's jacket just got stinky.


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