Last Jedi Minute 10: That’s a Lot of Bombs

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February 12, 2021


The resistance bombers are toast and now guest commentator Josh Flanagan is as good as gone!


Josh Flanagan



  • Starts with the bombs being armed and ends with Paige Tico discovering the body of Nix Jerd.
  • First time we meet Paige Tico.


  • The enigma that is Nix Jerd.
    • From Lantilles. It's like the "Dantooine of Antilles".
      • Introduced in the 90's card game and re-canonized in the Tarkin novel.
  • How did everyone on the Cobalt Hammer die except for Paige? Seems like if they were hit they would've just exploded.
  • Technical information about the bombers.
    • Built by Slayn and Korpil, which would be a good metal band name.
    • 1048 proton Bombs.
    • Originally referred to as T-wings, real name is the MG-100 StarFortress.
      • Josh thinks they look more like a hanging udder or a really fat cat.
      • In the X-wing vs TIE fighter video game there were the R-60 T-wing interceptors of Cobalt Squadron – is that a reference?
  • The old garage door remote control.
  • After Poe goes rogue, the bombers do whatever he says and there's no way to recall them without going through him.
  • Ladders!
    • Mentioned: The Jetsons.
  • Paige Tico: her name meets the syllable pattern of 1 and 2+.
    • Played by Veronica Ngô.
      • Pronunciation of her proper Vietnamese name. She goes by 'NTV'.
      • She is (in no particular order) a Vietnamese actress/singer/model. She has 5 studio albums.
      • She was also in Bright (that Netflix movie with will Smith and the orc cop). Her other filmography is discussed.
      • NVT's place in Vietnamese-American pop culture.
    • Paige preforming a suicide mission to take out the dreadnought is inverse parallel to Rose stopping Finn from trying to do the same (so she doesn't lose another person she cares about that way).
      • We find out soon that her sacrifice wasn't worth it as the small victory only buys them a small reprieve. Does Rose know about this, and did this impact her later?
Josh's general thoughts on TLJ.
 This movie was the bellwether for Star Wars fandom going out of control. Depending on which side of the controversy you fell on, this is how people defined themselves.
 After seeing The Force Awakens, Josh was really excited for this movie, but he had that "Phantom Menace feeling" where he started out excited and it's slowly turned for him that this is a really good movie but not a good Star Wars movie.
   After revisiting it once everyone taken their sides, he came away thinking that he respected it but it wasn't at all what he had wanted.
  It all comes down to the fact that, by being subversive and not what you'd expect, this movie takes Luke, who was Josh's favorite character and the hero of his childhood, and undercut the character completely in his opinion. He's not the hero. If you were to say that about any other character, Josh wouldn't care.
  Ultimately, it's not what a person like Josh specifically wants out of a Star Wars movie. When you're talking about different generations, for example, 30-year-olds now who grew up with the Prequels as their version of Star Wars as kids it's a different story. This really is a very beautiful movie but it's very un-Star Warsy. If you just want a burger and fries, you're not going to be happy if someone deconstructs it for you.
  By contrast, for Pete, Luke's arc is one of his favorite parts of the new movies. Return of the Jedi strong confident Jedi knight Luke was never his favorite part of the trilogy.
  Josh's point is that Luke was supposed to be the "New Hope" and, just given the world we live in, it's hard to see that hope broken. He just wanted a white knight hero. The argument is that "that was the old style of hero and we need to tear those down to make room for the new kinds of heroes" but Josh doesn't think that's necessary.
  Josh is mixed on Rian Johnson. We don't want to guess at the behind-the-scenes machinations about how the decision was made to turn away from the direction that was started by this film.
  Josh's final thoughts: it's not a bad movie it's just not the Star Wars he wanted. And it's really long.
  • The last time Josh saw the guys in person was the holiday special live show.
  • Thanks from/to Josh for a great week.
  • Patreon bonus episodes: "Give us some money and you get some shows".

Meta Minute

  • 32:28 podcast episode length.
  • Josh actively types his caption at the start of the video as "Of [sic] Malastaire" but soon changes it to "Master of Teras Kasi".

Bombs in space

  • Contrary to popular belief, there is still gravity in space. Astronauts on the ISS actually experience 89% of the gravity they do on Earth. The only reason they float and appear weightless is that they are in freefall, always falling towards the center of the Earth, but they never hit it because the space station is traveling so fast it always misses; that's how a stable orbit around a planet or other massive space object works. There's an excellent video from Because Science on YouTube about the controversy surrounding the bombs in this scene, however they don't get into the specifics of what kind of gravitational acceleration the bombs would experience.
    • Using math from earlier, we estimated that this space battle was taking place about 300,000 km from the surface of D'Qar. According to Wookieepedia, D'Qar has a diameter of 10,400 km (for reference, Earth has a diameter of about 12,700 km), so if we assume that the density of the planet is similar to that of the Earth (which would make sense as the people walking around on its surface don't seem to have any trouble with too much or too little gravity), we can calculate its mass at about 3.24 x 1024 kg. Using this, we can figure out the gravitational force (little 'f') experienced by the bombs. Using Newton's gravity formula, we calculate that the force that D'Qar exerts on objects at a distance of ~300,000 km is approximately 3.5 Newtons (equivalent to ~0.8 lbs of force). This might not seem like a lot, and that's because it isn't. If we assume that the bombs weigh as much as a standard bunker-busting bomb here on Earth (around 1500 kg [1]), they would only experience 0.0002 g (1 g = Earth's gravity). So it seems like there might need to be some other explanation for why the bombs appear to fall the way they do. Maybe magnets are the answer after all?

Other meta notes

  • With a runtime of 152 minutes, The Last Jedi is the longest Star Wars movie to date. As the guys cover 5 minutes per week, it will take just over 30 weeks to cover the movie, so they should finish up by September 2021.


  • Pete: analyze scrutinize and bolides...
  • Pete: We'll call you, we'll totally hang out. Josh: I know how that works, with [...] middle-aged parents.
  • Pete and Josh: Ayyy that's a lot of bombs.
  • Josh: Bad call Poe goes rogue. Alex: That's a no-go Poe.
  • Josh: (paraphrasing Mitch Hedberg) (slightly modified to take out everything funny): "An escalator ladder can never be broken; it can just become 'temporarily ladder'".
  • Josh O'Flanagan: My God, that's a lotta bombs!
  • Josh: (in unexpectedly heartfelt manner) …you're real people from my life. Alex: (sincerely) That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.


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