Jedi Minute 35: The Happiest Place on Earth
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February 20th, 2015
The deck gunners have Chewie and the desperate dangling human chain in their gun sights when something up on deck commands their attention: Luke, standing before them like a pirate king, ignites his lightsaber.
Dan McCoy, Stuart Wellington and Elliott Kalan
- Starts with Han and Lando (Hando) dangling from the skiff.
- Ends with R2-D2 freeing Princess Leia from her chains.
- R2-D2's drink tray has a seltzer tap that rises above his head. R2-D2 as Inspector Gadget.
- Where the other characters fit into Inspector Gadget.
- Han is hanging from the skiff by just the top of his feet - which is amazing.
- Special Edition changes:
- Added ropes around Han's ankles.
- Changed Han's dialogue to "It's alright, I can see a lot better now".
- Mentioned: Popeye.
- Han and Lando are in a buddy movie.
- How they disposed of the Rancor's body. Did they throw it into the Sarlacc pit?
- The actor who played Malakili must have been disappointed that he didn't get to play a crazy alien, and his costume consisted of taking off his shirt.
- Chewie is reduced to holding Han off the edge of the skiff. He should be picking guys up and throwing them into the Sarlacc pit.
- Chewie actually got shot in the shin at the beginning of the action; this is why he is hobbled.
- Referenced: Chewbacca's life debt.
- The quality of the banter between Han and Lando and more good luck for Han as he shoots the tentacle.
- The skiff takes one hit and falls over but is then rock stable from that point on.
- Luke jumps over to the Sail Barge and pulls a guy out of a window.
- Mentioned: Adventures in Babysitting; Batman (TV show); Mr Magoo.
- What the guy that gets thrown out of the window was doing at the time.
- The movie-makers and cast discussed which, if any, of the main characters should die in the Sarlacc pit.
- Shoutout to Lawrence Kasdan.
- Harrison Ford not wanting to do Return of the Jedi and his acting in the movie reflecting this.
- Harrison Ford/Han on Tinder.
- A lot of great/goofy sound effects and character performances.
- Gamorrean guards not being very useful in fights.
- Callbacks to minutes 31 and 24
- The Gamorrean guard figurine mold was re-used to make the Friar Tuck figurine from Robin Hood.
- Mentioned: Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.
Memories of Return of the Jedi
- Thanks to, and from, the Flop House crew for being on the podcast.
- Support the Show.
Meta Minute
- 22:50 podcast episode length.
- Cold-open: 8-DAY-GREEDO call - When they were children, the caller's two-year-old sister would always grab his skiff guard Lando figurine and place it in her mouth. His sister was the figurine's own personal Sarlaac pit.
- Plug for Eliott's essay "City of Mundane Fantasy" in the book Never Can Say Goodbye.
- The Medieval Manuscripts department of the British Library has a collection of Star Wars-esque illustrations.
- Stuart: (as Chewbacca's internal monologue) "I can't wait to hang out with my pal Yoda I haven't seen for a long time. I hope he doesn't die soon." ...<Spoilers> He dies soon after this.
- Alex: He [Kasdan] threw out Lando...
- Eliott: Notoriously ugly man Christian Slater.
- Alex: Wait, you [Stuart] were five?!
- Elliott: We'll be back when you do Phantom Menace Minute [...] I've never seen two men's faces drop faster than when the phrase "Phantom Menace Minute" came out of my mouth.